Enrolment options

Objectif de la formation: Carry out preventive and curative maintenance on all devices in the Axtair Automorpho Plus and Axtair Axensor range according to the manufacturer's requirements
Objectifs pédagogiques:

- Work on the latest devices in the Axtair range using the Aircare maintenance solution
- Install Aircare software on several workstations
- Use the software's expert menus to refine a diagnosis and reduce intervention times
- Update their equipment with the latest software updates from the manufacturer
- Track maintenance with the Aircare platform
- Report post-marketing surveillance events to the manufacturer

Public visé: Maintenance technicians, biomedical services and service providers
Modalités pédagogiques:

- Following an asynchronous e-learning course
- A “Contact” button at the top of the screen enables participants to ask the trainer questions.
- On-line help (FAQ) provides guidance in the event of connection difficulties, for example
- A mailbox is provided after the course for post-training questions and answers
- A glossary is also available for acronyms, definitions, support materials, etc.

Prérequis: Have completed the initial Aircare maintenance training course
Durée: 3 hours
horaires: Not applicable
Accessibilité: Disabled people: contact the training center beforehand to validate registration and accommodation arrangements
Attestation de formation: Yes
Tarif: 120 €
Satisfaction: 90
Taux de réussite: 90
Programme de la formation:

- Watch the presentation of the training objectives
- Watch a presentation of the range with the different products and compressor functions
- Watch a presentation of Axtair AutoPlus alarms
- Watch a presentation of Axtair Axensor alarms
- Discover accessories
- Answer a quiz
- Watch a presentation of components
- Register for the Exploded Product View course
- Watch a reminder about compressor overhaul
- Answer a quiz
- Watch the menu expert tutorial on control board and software
- Watch the expert menu tutorial for distributor + air network + pressure sensor
- Answer a quiz
- Register and take the Aircare platform course
- Answer a quiz
- Find out about post-marketing surveillance requirements
- Help me forum
- Glossary
- Answer the training evaluation feedback
- Answer the final assessment quiz to obtain the Aircar Maintenance Competency

Taux de réponse: 75
Modalité d'évaluation et de suivi:

- Each training objective is evaluated by a quiz. A minimum score is required to continue the course. Multiple attempts are possible with the introduction of random questions. Documented answers are provided at the end of each quiz.
- A final assessment of knowledge is carried out at the end of training on the same principle.
- Participants evaluate the training and the trainer at the end of the course by means of feedback

Mode de suivi: E-learning
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